Especially developed according to the needs of the LDPE industry, the MTP302 has the same functionality as the MTP 300, but offers an additional output with an extended measurement range up to 1200 °C. This provides valuable data in case of decompositions, while standard units are limited to 400°C. With the MTP 302 the operator now has access to critical parameters such as peak and average temperature as well as cooling behavior which play a significant role for turnarounds and maintenance.
- 2 wire measurement transmitter for several thermocouple types with automatically, internal cold junction compensation
- Certified according to IEC 61508 SIL2
- ATEX: Input Exia IIC or Exib IIC
- Response time <4ms (optional <35ms)
- Input: several thermocouple types (customization on request)
- Output: 4-20 mA
- Safe galvanic separation between input and output
- Form of construction: DIN-Rail mounting, DIN EN 50022